Have you ever ventured onto the top of your house? Walking safely on roofs may be an absolute breeze for your cat but humans require knowledge and experience. We’ll give you the knowledge and hope it will help you make your first experience safe and better than expected.
Yes, skilled professionals are the best thing since slice bread. It is wise to assign this job to them. They should conquer urban summits and even they must exercise caution in height.
But sometimes it saves you time and money to give an assessment to your roof, either you have clay, concrete, shingle or metal roofs, especially before really cold winter kicks in, roofs should be assessed and ready for the cold season.
When you need them, roofers are normally still busy installing new roofs, so you will hardly find one, but your roof may not wait for them and there you are: you should brave the height and fears by getting onto your roof.
Sometimes it is worth to do the job ourselves indeed. GERARD roofs are designed to withstand the weight of people walking on them. Please observe safety rules for working at height! You know, safety first!
But how can we do it safely?
1.) Go for a sunny day!
No, not for the view, however, clear weather can help you enjoy the view as well you rarely see yourself. You need dry weather to have the safest possible surface on your roof. If your roof is wet the slippery hazard is high. Falling off a roof is not something you want to give the slightest chances. Rule nr 1: avoid getting onto a wet roof!
2.) Wear the right footwear!
We know, you may be thinking of your hiking boots, but they are for mountains not for GERARD roofs. Because metal roof tiles can bend a little and the stone chip coating of your roof tile may get damaged by a rough boot sole, thus you need soft soled shoes, like tennis or running shoes, which enables you to walk safely but carefully. Rule nr 2: wear soft soled shoes!