If you are building a new house or reroofing a less new house, you cannot leave your home without a roof. Maybe right now you put this project on the backburner considering the circumstances and being worried about your job or income. But sooner or later you will need to pick the right roof and now may be the right time to prepare that decision well.
Because one day this will be over.
We will be back to some sort of normal, which may be different to the old days before the coronavirus.
But we will be travelling again (maybe less far than before).
We will be meeting our friends and family again (maybe in smaller groups first than before).
We will be bold again to do some bigger investments like a new roof (maybe more wisely than before).
A roof cannot be chosen like a T-shirt because it is a complex project involving different products, such as roofing tiles, underlay, accessories, installation and professional know-how not to mention the high pricetag.
We cannot afford to pick a roof based on little information, like price per m2 and colour.
We need to spend our money wisely after thorough investigation of roofing types and our need.
With our new GERARD blog series we would like to help you choose your new roof more wisely. You do not want to waste your money on roofs, which need replacement after a decade or fail to live up to your expectations or withstand the extreme forces of climate change.
Hopefully, in the new normal we will be more careful with our spendings and we want to prepare better for our big decisions. We hope that you will find our new blogs helpful, starting next week with the title: The best rooftype for reroofing.