

Steel specification

The Gerard Eleganta tile is made of ZM250. ZM250 is a steel that is coated with alloy of 93,5 % Zinc, 3,5 % Aluminium and 3 % Magnesium. The grade of steel used is designed to allow pressing without cracking while at the same time is ridged enough to tolerate reasonable loads.

Nominal Thickness  0.50 mm
Steel Grade  DX53D
Zinc-Aluminium-Magnesium Coating Mass  250 g/㎡
Zinc-Aluminium-Magnesium Coating Grade  ZM250

Textured surface

Stone chip granules are applied to provide an attractive textured finish which at the same time enhance resistance to UV radiation. Granules are coated with lightfast heat resistant pigments.

Overall Length  1305 mm
Length of Cover  1260 mm
Overall Width  350 mm
Width of Cover  320 mm
Minimum pitch  15° (27%)
Maximum pitch  90°
Roof Cover  0.405 ㎡
Tiles per ㎡  2.47
Weight/panel  2.75 kg
Weight/area  6.80 kg/㎡
Batten space  320 mm
